Owning together but now the other person wants to sell
My sister and I own it together. She has met someone and is now engaged. She wants to sell so she can buy with him, but I don’t want to, but I can’t afford to buy her out. What should I do?
If possible, you may want to see if you can get a line of credit and if you can do it. Like I know you said you couldn’t afford to buy it back. Maybe you two could get a line of credit together and then she could use half of it to make money with her fiance and buy a house. And you can use half of it or whatever, whether you put it on your side. You can place it on the side of the house so that your principles exist, etc. or maybe you need a new car or maybe you have an OSAP loan. It’s not ideal if you always want to stay home and have that kind of sucks. But that’s really the only way, other than selling it , to see if you can afford a line of credit