Can a landlord raise your rent because their mortgage has gone up?
If you rent a room and have a shared space, such as kitchen, living room, and so forth, YES. If you have your own enclosed apartment which is not in a motel for example, then NO.
It doesn’t matter if their mortgage goes from $2,200 to $6,000 a month, for example, they can’t increase your rent. For example, if your lease is up for renewal on November 1st, they may warn you that they will be using it for themselves or their children, etc. Let’s say 16 months later they no longer want to live there and you have to pay $2,200.
For example, for rent, they can increase the amount up to $3,200 because there are no regulations for new people. They cannot increase an existing person’s rent.
Also, I don’t think this applies to anyone, but there are rules, or no rules I should say, regarding buildings in Toronto constructed after a certain date that the owner Owners can raise rents and it’s unchecked, which is crazy (think about newer construction).
Maybe you’ve seen the story of two sisters paying $2,500 a month and the landlord raised it to $9,000!
Don’t ask me what that means, but it is legally allowed to do so.